January 8, 2024

I’ve thought about throwing in the towel. Is this blog really worth investing in every week?
Who reads this blog anyways?
It’s too niche specific.
I’m not connecting with my audience.
My posts are too long, and probably no one reads them.
I’m shooting myself in the foot by not engaging in social media.
The above thoughts and a host of other questions and doubts fill my mind.
When I first heard about blogs, I thought, “What a silly thing to do! How trivial!” Little did I understand at that point the thought and care needed to write a blog post. To me even the word “blog” sounded ineloquent like a big “blob” of words splatted on a page like school cafeteria mashed potatoes glopped on a lunchroom tray.

So why did I start something that seemed silly to me at first? I saw the power of words and the ability to potentially help others. Helping others is really what this space is all about, not to mention the ways this blog has helped me to grow. Do I have all the answers? A hearty “no!” But I’m learning so much every day and am excited to share.
Am I really going to quit writing blog posts? At this point, the answer is no. That would be quitting when the going got tough. Am I seriously and prayerfully evaluating my blog and even my business? A resounding “yes!” is my answer.
What does this mean moving forward? I realize that most blog readers are very busy people. With that in mind,
1. My posts will be shorter and to the point.
2. Major ideas will be highlighted in some way for quick scanning.
This post is a bit raw as I have pulled back the veil covering my thoughts. I feel exposed and honestly am a bit scared.
Dear reader, please (pretty please?) leave me a comment in the comments below! You do not have to be a subscriber to this site to leave a comment. Maybe consider writing something along these lines:
What content would you like to see on this blog?
Is there something on this blog that has been a help to you?
Any other suggestions for this blog?
Truly, I would treasure your words!
A humble and heartfelt thank you to anyone who will share his or her thoughts!
Personal Disclosure
As the author of Ashley Qurollo Blog, all opinions are my own. Any possible applications are universal in nature, not directed at any one individual or people group. My sincere desire is to help others by sharing what I am learning. Nothing stated on this blog is ever intended to hurt others. Ashley Qurollo, owner of Ashley Qurollo Blog and Website, is not held liable in any way for any application of the ideas and thoughts stated here.
Hi! I just came across your blog, although my adult daughter has followed you for awhile. The little of your blog that I have had time to peruse so far has been beautiful. I wanted to encourage you to continue doing what you are doing, if you believe God has called you to do it! I can empathize with your doubts and questions in this article as I also have a website/blog and wonder if it is worth it at times. I like the writing and helping others aspect, but I am not so excited about the technical aspect, including trying to figure out how to get people to see it. Keep up the good work! Jen Griesbach myhomeschoolingabcs.com
I recently found you (I think through LinkedIn), and I think your blog and YouTube channel are SO BEAUTIFUL! I don't always see your posts, but I love them when I do!
Hello! I haven't been following your blog for a long time, but I have appreciated things you shared. I was actually thinking about you this week as I was at a church music seminar. An emphasis of the seminar was the need for good songs to be written. I appreciate the songs you have written, and it is also a blessing that you have them available for others to use!
I would like to see more on your blog about music. Something I want to work on musically is arranging piano accompaniment for singing. If you have thoughts to share on that topic, I would love to hear them!
Creating content to share online is work. I pray that yo…
Hello Ashley! I too, am a frequent reader although at times, I will sometimes miss a few articles and catch up several at a time.😅 Your writing is honest, encouraging and refreshing to me. I’m sorry it’s discouraging for you at times. It seems like you have a good plan to experiment with going forward. My advice would be to keep writing if it meets a need that you have; if it’s a good outlet for you and it’s blessing some readers then go for it! ❤️ That said, I know it’s time time consuming for you and I will pray the Lord gives you peace and wisdom.
Much Love,
I read all your posts, Ashley! Thank you for sharing your heart for the Lord, your home, and your sweet family. The only change I can think of suggesting is that you might change your font to a more standard, non-italic one (like Times New Roman or similar) - I know that would make it easier for me to read. I do often find while reading your posts that I am encouraged to love my children more and be more thoughtful about my home, and I appreciate that. I know that the Lord will give you guidance as you seek Him for the future of this site!