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Writer's pictureAshley Qurollo

Summer Patio

Updated: Jul 16

July 15, 2024


Since last week’s post was a bit nerdy, I have something light and hopefully refreshing for you! Today I’m going to share a little bit of my outdoor patio space.

This space is finally coming together, and I am enjoying the simple beauty of this area. No, it’s probably not going to win any décor awards, but it makes me smile, especially when I look at individual items and recall their stories.


Recently, a trip to our local thrift store yielded a lovely white armoire. I simply talked to the Lord and said, “Lord, we could really use an armoire on the back patio to store all of the kid’s stuff. I’m willing to run all around town to all the thrift stores, but it sure would be a blessing if I could find something at our nearest store, especially with school coming.”

With my children in tow, I wheeled the buggy to the back where the furniture sits, and there sat the answer to my prayers! A beautiful white armoire grabbed my attention, and instantly I knew this was the piece for us. I practically ran to grab the ticket and claim the piece for myself. “Thank you, Lord. You are so good,” I quietly thanked the Lord. My heart was so blessed to find this piece almost immediately without any mad-dashing around town. Even the trip home, with precarious, non-husband-approved rigging, was a success! My heart was thrilled.

The armoire houses all manner of kid stuffs such as garden essentials, chalk, stomp rocket, bike gear, etc. We are more organized with this piece, a sure victory for the home front.


One of my main goals in writing this blog is to encourage others. It’s not to flaunt what we have or what I’ve done but rather to inspire and encourage others to live well. One of the greatest lessons that I have learned in working on this back patio is the value of contentment.

I’ve longed for a farmhouse porch, but when I settled my heart in contentment, I realized this outdoor space is a perfect blank canvas!

Contentment fuels it’s own creativity, and when I am content with what I have, I am the most creative.


I am learning to joyfully use what I have and pull items together in creative vignettes (a fancy word for a grouping of objects). Two jugs from my great-grandfather’s Michigan farm, a recent gift from my grandmother, warm my heart and call to mind the wonder of simple farm life. A dairy milk bucket, a sweet gift from my neighbor (her relatives really used it to milk the cow!), now houses a plant from another friend. My heart smiles to look at these items, and more often than not, I think of the givers when enjoying these items.



Sweet friend, you may be a new bride starting out in the humblest of places. You may be a mama wishing you had more space. You may be a sweet grandma reminiscing the old days. You may be _______________________ (you fill in the blank). Whatever your lot in life, I hope you find joy in working beauty into your space.


Personal Disclosure

As the author of Ashley Qurollo Blog, all opinions are my own. Any possible applications are universal in nature, not directed at any one individual or people group. My sincere desire is to help others by sharing what I am learning. Nothing stated on this blog is ever intended to hurt others. Ashley Qurollo, owner of Ashley Qurollo Blog and Website, is not held liable in any way for any application of the ideas and thoughts stated here.

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15 de jul.
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Thank you for writing this post, Ashley! Sometimes I get so discouraged looking at pinterest and other social media and think to myself, " My home will never match up." Thank you for giving me hope that I can make my home beautiful with what I already own.

Ashley Qurollo
Ashley Qurollo
16 de jul.
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I'm so glad this post was an encouragement to you!

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