January 29, 2024
A few weeks ago in that rather desperate blog post, I queried my readers for topics of interest. One of my sweet readers sent me a treasure trove of ideas for blog posts, all of them about music.
As you may know from my YouTube or even perusing this site, music is a passion of mine. I love writing sacred and even non-sacred, incidental music (i.e. pretty music just for personal enjoyment or for an event such as a wedding).
I’ve been hesitant to “blog” about music because of a fear that my readers will think it boring. But the more I thought about music, the more I realized there is something for everyone. Music lives in each of us.
Did you know that you are a musician? Though not every reader of this blog may consider herself to be a musician, every person alive responds to music and can express musicality in some way: perhaps by jingling the car keys, tapping the kitchen counter in rhythm, humming a tune recently played in a store, “playing” the radio, or secretly sitting down at the family piano to pluck out a tune when you think no one is listening.
Music abides in our souls, innately put there by our Creator. He brushes across the strings of our souls, and our hearts resonate with the swell and throb of His creation. Whether or not you would describe yourself as a musician, I hope to capture your imagination and lure you into a new series on music!
The Beginning
If I’m going to start a series on music, let’s start at the beginning, at least my musical beginning.
My musical story actually begins in the mid-1970s at an Ohio marching band. On hot summer days, my dad put literal feet to his love of music as he practiced his trumpet in the band. My dad carried his profound love of music into our family life, and without a doubt, I attribute my love of music directly to my dad.
Some of my earliest life memories involve music. My mother went out one evening, probably to go shopping or attend a ladies’ meeting, and my dad had the charge of two toddlers, myself and the next brother down. Dad put on one of his John Philip Sousa vinyl records, and instinctively my brother and I started marching around the room (and who says that music doesn’t affect you?).
My dad always made sure that we had access to classical music, for which I am forever grateful. Whether the technology was vinyl record, cassette tapes, compact discs, you name it, we always had music playing throughout the house at various times.
On Saturday mornings, my dad often turned on the John Philip Sousa marches to get sleepyheads up and out of bed. Saturday morning was chore time, and after feeding us a delicious breakfast of homemade egg sandwiches, Mom and Dad expected each of us four kids to do our assigned chores. The marches created a lively mood and undoubtedly helped us get into the rhythm of cleaning.
The Christian school I attended offered piano lessons starting in the 3rd grade. My mother expected me to start taking piano lessons although I was not interested. A lovely college student at our church played the flute, and I wanted to be just like her. My mother had enough wisdom to insist that I start with the piano and then consider the option of another instrument.
So piano lessons began in 3rd grade. I remember practicing out of my yellow "Music Tree" piano book on our old upright piano in the front sitting room.
Apparently, I hated practicing (funny how I don't remember that part). After prodding from my faithful mother, I practiced…and whined and cried. I am forever indebted to my mother for not giving in to my whining and complaining but instead making me do the hard thing (a lesson in faithful parenting for the keen parent…).
Also during the 3rd grade year, a group of college students came to my classroom to demonstrate the various string instruments. In fourth grade, we had the option of taking string instrument lessons. The romantic violin captured my heart and out went all notions of the playing the flute (still a lovely instrument!).
Well, I have already broken my new rule of 500 words or less. Come back next week, and I’ll tell you the rest of the musical story!
With a melody in my heart,
Personal Disclosure
As the author of Ashley Qurollo Blog, all opinions are my own. Any possible applications are universal in nature, not directed at any one individual or people group. My sincere desire is to help others by sharing what I am learning. Nothing stated on this blog is ever intended to hurt others. Ashley Qurollo, owner of Ashley Qurollo Blog and Website, is not held liable in any way for any application of the ideas and thoughts stated here.
#story #personal #music #musical #instrument #faithful #parent #parenting #mother #motherhood #child #childhood #children #march #marching #band #trumpet #hot #ohio #summer #days #cry #whine #romantic #violin #sheetmusic #ashleyqurollo #piano #johnphilipsousa #flute #practice #school #grade #house #home #ranch #style #southern #south #wedding #blog #creator #soul #creation #resonate #eucalyptus #rhythm #tune
Thank you for sharing about your musical background! I enjoyed reading it, and I look forward to more!
Good afternoon Ashley
I too get feelings in my heart when I hear music, not all music but sweet calm encouraging music! I grew up in the 60's a lot of that music takes me back to a simpler time! A lot of music from the 60's makes me smile and helps me remember I will always have music in my soul! Today there is a lot of Christian music that makes me smile! I wake up most days thinking of a hymn or two from our church service! Through out the day it pops into my heart and I find myself trying to sing, my singing doesn't always have the proper words but GOD knows!
Music will always be…