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Inspiring Books from 2023

Writer: Ashley QurolloAshley Qurollo

January 15, 2024


First, thank you to every reader who commented and encouraged me in last week's post. You have no idea what a blessing you are! The new goal is 500 words or less for a post. Short and sweet, so let's go!

Today I am sharing 3 books that impacted me in 2023. These books challenged me in three areas: spiritual growth, personal branding (business), and homeschool/motherhood.


Reading is vital to my personal and spiritual development. Reading adds another deep dimension to my thinking and life, and I am pushed to grow through the shared wisdom of others.


Spiritual Growth— More Precious Than Gold by John and Brenda Vaughn


What I Liked About This Book

This book humbled and stretched me, perhaps more than any other book I’ve read. It was one of those books that I didn’t like in some ways but yet knew I needed. John and Brenda Vaughn, with humility and poise, share their family’s horrific trial in a house fire which severely burned Mrs. Vaughn and daughter Becky. This book reminds me to be grateful for the daily, mundane blessings.

Favorite Quote

During the start of Mrs. Vaughn’s extensive hospital stay, she shares the spiritual growth and surrender that took place in her heart: “God never told me I couldn’t cry, or that I had to be perfect, or that I had to witness flawlessly to everyone who walked into my room. He knew my heart, and I came to realize that He was asking only that I be faithful—only that I trust Him to do what was best” (page 53).

Personal Branding/Business--Bring Inner Greatness Out by Dr. Mansur Hasib


What I Liked About This Book

Bring Inner Greatness Out helped me to understand my own personal uniqueness, distinct from corporations or businesses. My personal value is not defined by a business or organization, but rather I bring personal value to an organization. Even as a homemaker, I found value in this book as I grow my home business. On a personal note, my husband’s (Jesse R. J. Qurollo's) review of this book is printed in the “What Readers and Listeners Say” section at the front!

Favorite Quote

“You do not need to be perfect; you need to perfect your uniqueness. Your uniqueness includes all natural perceived imperfections you inherited when you were born. Your imperfections can even be the initial distinguishing characteristics of your personal brand!" (page 52).

Homeschool/ Motherhood—Lessons at Blackberry Inn by Karen Andreola


What I Liked About This Book

This book, a cozy friend enveloping my mind with warmth and comfort, is one I plan to return to often. Through a heart-warming tale, Andreola weaves wisdom for homemaking and homeschooling, the beauty of married love, forgiveness for the lost, and treasures of the past. This is a homeschooling mama’s must.

Favorite Quote

“A home isn’t a house, anyway. A home is a life shared with family, friends, and welcomed strangers—a place to work, rest, worship, play, and grow, a place to laugh and mourn in safety. It’s a place where memories are made” (page 169).


Friends, what books inspired you last year? What books do you recommend to me? Please share your recommendations in the comments below! No need to subscribe to comment!


Personal Disclosure

As the author of Ashley Qurollo Blog, all opinions are my own. Any possible applications are universal in nature, not directed at any one individual or people group. My sincere desire is to help others by sharing what I am learning. Nothing stated on this blog is ever intended to hurt others. Ashley Qurollo, owner of Ashley Qurollo Blog and Website, is not held liable in any way for any application of the ideas and thoughts stated here.

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Dawn Watson-Mumaugh
Dawn Watson-Mumaugh
16. Jan. 2024
Mit 5 von 5 Sternen bewertet.

This book really opened my eyes to all the idols in my life that I didn't even realize were idols. I worked through this with a group of ladies in town. There's a lot I wanted to quote from it, but I picked this one. " We must trust that what God has for us will be better than what we're clinging to, even if we can't imagine it"

Thank you Ashley for your blogs! I don't read as many books as I would like, something I'm going to work on in 2024. When I read your blog, I was like oh I can't wait to see what books have been and encouragement for you. I couldn't believe I…

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Ashley Qurollo
Ashley Qurollo
16. Jan. 2024
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Thank you for sharing a book and even including a picture! This looks like a really good book, maybe the kind I don't want to read at first but really need to read🤣 I think this book would help me as I grapple with certain desires and wondering why God's timing is slow in my eyes.

High five for already reading one of my favorites! I'm a very slow reader, and if I can read several books a year, hands down you can, too!

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Mary Palmer
Mary Palmer
15. Jan. 2024
Mit 5 von 5 Sternen bewertet.

Dear Sister in Christ Ashley

I am always excited when I get that ping from my phone that you have a new post to your blog!

Being new in the Independent Baptist teachings, the book that has made an amazing difference in my life is the King James Version BIBLE!

My catholic background has been tossed aside! I CAN pray directly to GOD, I had no idea that the confessional is NOT the only way to speak to GOD via a priest! I am a living testimony for GOD! I have many prayers answered not as timely as I would like, but they have and will be answered!

I am learning everyday GOD'S word will always tell the truth.


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Ashley Qurollo
Ashley Qurollo
16. Jan. 2024
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Mary, thank you for your faithful comments here on this blog, but more than that, thank you for your faithfulness to the Lord. I am blessed to call you my sister in Christ.

God's Word is truly precious! I'm amazed that we have His Words of love to us so readily available. Throughout history and across the globe many have not had such a privilege. And in fact, many died for having a fragment of God's Word in their possession.

My husband ordered me a new bible, and I cant wait for it to get here!

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15. Jan. 2024
Mit 5 von 5 Sternen bewertet.

Dear Ashley. Your blog speaks from your heart and clearly articulates the value and life lesson you embraced from each book. I am honored and humbled that my book is in your list of three books. I did write this book to help anyone in any field to claim their space and express their inner greatness to the world. I am thrilled it has been a good guide for you. I've loved watching your personal branding journey and have viewed many of your videos that brought the viewer into your music and artistic world. Hope 2024 will bring even more joy, success, and fulfillment. - Dr. Mansur Hasib

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Ashley Qurollo
Ashley Qurollo
16. Jan. 2024
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Dr. Hasib,

I am deeply honored and humbled that you would take time to comment on this tiny corner of the virtual world! Yes, your book has enlarged my vision and taught me so much about myself and my potential. Sad to say, I never, ever heard any of the content from your book in my 6 long years of higher education. Personally, I think some of my teachers delighted in putting down their students. But you have elevated students and helped them to see their potentials. Not only students have been blessed by your teachings, but many eager business professionals. Though I don't claim to be a business professional, I still find tremendous value as I slowly build a…

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