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Garden Progress

Writer: Ashley QurolloAshley Qurollo

Updated: Oct 25, 2022

April 18, 2022


As I work on my garden this time of year, I am reminded of the words to a well-known hymn, “In the Garden” by C. Austin Miles.

I come to the garden alone,

While the dew is still on the roses;

And the voice I hear, falling on my ear,

The Son of God discloses.

And He walks with me, and He talks with me,

And He tells me I am His own,

And the joy we share as we tarry there,

None other has ever known.

Gardens are special to God. He placed His first human creation in a garden and instructed Adam to keep the garden. In the few hours before the unjust trial of the Lord Jesus, He spent time in a garden pouring His heart out to His Father. The Lord was placed in a garden tomb after His death. Mary, looking for her beloved Savior, mistook her Lord for the gardener (John 20:15).

Gardens remind us of God’s goodness and gently point us to Him. Appealing to our senses, gardens envelop us in the beauty of God’s creation as we see, taste, touch, feel, and even hear the wind rustling through the plants. Growing plants is inherent to human nature, and there is nothing quite like the satisfaction of watching a tiny green plant grow.

In today’s simple post, I would like to share the progress in my garden. Though progress is never as fast or far as intended, I am grateful for the steps forward. May today’s post especially encourage others who may not have time for a “perfect” garden. Perhaps you are a busy mama, or you are holding down a full-time career, or you simply do not have much energy to garden. May you be encouraged that small steps in short spurts of time will yield results.

So far, here is what has been accomplished in the garden.

Remove Black-eyed Susans.


I relocated the Susans from the base of a Japanese maple and moved them to another bed in the back yard. The Susans were encroaching on the maple, drowning it out visually and undoubtedly stealing nutrients from the slow-grower. (Tip: Once you get some Black-eyed Susans growing in your yard, they are incredibly easy to move around and multiply. Any flower such as this one that can withstand Southern heat and poor soil conditions has my respect.)

Remove all daylilies.

Several years ago, I created a patch of daylilies rights at the back of the garden, right outside our window. Though the view of the flowers from the inside was lovely, daylilies are not really an anchor plant for the back of the garden. I hope to get some bushes or evergreen plants going in the back which will look pleasant year round. My dear friend convinced me that the overgrown jungle of daylilies needed to go to make room for something better!

Create a stone border around the perimeter.


The garden was literally washing out onto the sidewalk, and the garden needed something to contain it and also create a crisp, visual border. On our usual weekly trip to Lowes, we have grabbed about ten inexpensive, concrete “stones” and added them to the border. The thought of edging the entire garden overwhelmed me, but edging a few stones at a time has been manageable.

Create a trail through the garden.


This garden needs definition, and due to its size, it needed to be broken into sections. I opted for a gentle curve through the garden to create a natural, relaxed look. I am obviously not quite done with my trail!

Place rusty swing for visual interest.


My husband drug a rusty metal swing frame up from the back yard. I am just thrilled with it! He planned on using it to mount targets for practice, but he let me have the frame stating I will get to my project before he gets to his (such a thoughtful hubby!). I cannot wait to grow some beautiful vining plants on it!

Add a beautiful trellis.


This gift from a dear friend now graces the wall and is just waiting for something to climb up it!

Group like plants together for stronger visual impact.



Several years ago, I planted a number of plants smack in the front of the garden in a nice symmetrical pattern. At the suggestion of my friend, Susan, I am grouping the plants for a more whimsical, asymmetrical look. Autumn joy sedum is an easy plant to move around and does not fuss when moved.

To the untrained, non-gardener’s eye, my garden may not look like much, but I am thrilled with the progress so far! Working in the garden is a continual process; its not just a “one-and-done” chore. I hope you are encouraged that even if you do not have vast resources in time, energy, or money, little steps in your garden will yield progress!





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