October 3, 2022

The weightless fall air beckons me outside, and I have a hard time ignoring its gentle call. Gone is the sticky weight of Southern heat, and in its place, a peaceful atmosphere arrives, born on soft breezes.
On early fall days, I open the kitchen door to welcome these autumn breezes, and my children and I sometimes struggle to focus on schoolwork when the weather is so close to what Eden must have been like. I have arranged our school calendar to capitalize on this remarkable weather, and we are almost to a “break week” in our schooling.
Just as my children and I are almost to a break in schooling, so I thought it would be nice to set aside the books, so to speak, on my blog. The last few posts have been academic in nature, and in honor of the fall weather, I am sharing a few autumnal touches around my home for today’s post. Next week, I plan to conclude my thoughts about kindergarten.
I try to keep decorating very simple around my home, both in cost and the amount of décor set out. In my attic is a green tub labeled “Fall décor”, and honestly I am using less and less of those items and have actually donated much of the contents. My new goal is to use my current décor with a few touches of the “in” season, which happens to be fall. By using my current décor, I am storing very few seasonal items, and that translates to less stuff in my attic.
Dried oats fill a hobnail pitcher from Aldi.

An antique picture frame (yard sale find) surrounds a simple wreath from Hobby Lobby.

Dried rye grass whispers fall without screaming traditional orange and red.

This pillow from Aldi was a bit of a splurge, but it ties all the colors of my living room together.

I made a few pillow covers out of kitchen towels from Ikea, and I love the country feel that the green stripes add to my couch.

Cozy quilts and blankets rest on this chair until needed, and my favorite old door brings charming depth to this corner of our stairs (never fear, my husband has mounted it to the wall with French cleats). You may be wondering why I did not crop out the less-than-lovely air unit. Well, I want to assure you that my home has ugly spots just as I am sure your home does as well. My home is not perfect, and I do not want anyone to think that it is! Be encouraged if your home is not everything you hope it to be. See the beauty, and do not stress about the less-than-beautiful.

Coleus, mums, and pansies fill my outdoor pots and metal tub.

Happy Fall, friends!
