August 7, 2023

Before I jump into my post, I want to share that this post is my 100th post! Writing a blog has been an exciting journey, certainly full of ups and many downs. I'm thankful for how I've grown personally through this venture and sincerely hope that this blog has been a blessing to others.
When I think about my home, there are several places that I would call my favorites. These places seem peaceful and “put together”, if you know what I mean. Most of my home still feels like a work in progress and few areas feel “done.”
Yet these little corners and nooks of loveliness bring a sense of rest to my heart and quiet to my mind because they feel somewhat complete. I’ve already wrestled in my mind how that area should look, and my paint brush has whisked across the surfaces of that cranny. Undoubtedly, some treasure of mine graces that area and calls to mind memories of who gave me the item or where it was acquired.

These "beauty spots" as I will call them are important to me for several reasons. They represent the love and care that I’ve taken to try to make my home a beautiful place. They are the fruit of my efforts to create loveliness in my home.
While my home should never take first place in my heart above God and my family, caring for my home naturally flows from a heart of love for God and my family. Like the Proverbs 31 woman who looked well to the ways of her household, so I should do my best to create a space for my family that functions well and provides a place of belonging and comfort for them.

These beauty spots often cause me to look up and remember God’s goodness to me. Many times in the middle of typical home chaos, I have looked up to these spots of beauty and smiled in my heart. These places of loveliness provide a sense of calm and completion when my days often feel crazy and incomplete.
By having a few well-decorated and neatly kept spots throughout my home, my heart rests in tranquility, and the beauty of order breathes a quiet grace into my heart. Much of my home is not what I desire it to be, and instead of stewing in discontentment, these places of beauty remind me of the many good things that God has given me. I am again reminded to trust His goodness and be thankful for what I do have instead of what I perceive to be lacking.

This favorite corner of my home is in my bathroom/laundry area. This area was a long time in the making. When we first bought the home, it was not a bad area but just lacked some personality.
Over time, my husband and father-in-law have made many changes in this area to bring to life my vision. I have also spent many hours painting, and yes, repainting this room!
I love the charming country look of bead board. My husband installed the bead board ceiling, and Pop installed the bead board on the walls in the bathroom area and in the laundry area.
My husband was hesitant to use traditional wood bead board in the bathroom, an area that would inevitably see unwanted, flowing water. So my hubby settled on a product that is actually meant for an exterior deck ceiling. It is quite thick, and it has held up well. Sure enough, we have had pipes leak, and the bead board held up beautifully because it is actually made out of plastic.

My father-in-law built the beautiful cabinets above the washer and dryer. These cabinets are truly one of my favorite features about my home, and if we ever move, I will definitely miss these unique cabinets. Pop, will you build me some more in our next house? Hehe…
I am slow to add items to my walls. Perhaps it is a perfectionistic fear that keeps me from hanging things. But I love the items that I have added in this area. The curved wood piece above the doorframe is actually the top to an armoire that resides in my bedroom. I painted it Sherwin Williams’ Escape Gray and just love the cheery pop it brings. The blue willow plate is from my sweet neighbor’s mother.

The imitation tobacco baskets are actually an Aldi find from several years ago! I believe I paid about $10 for the set.

The white pitcher is something I bought many years ago, and it has become a staple in my farmhouse style. White pitchers are iconic to the farmhouse style, and you really can’t go wrong with them!
So how can you create beautiful spots in your home?
The first thing I would recommend doing is ridding the area of clutter.
Clutter makes even beautiful things seem ugly. I would rather have a few thoughtfully placed items than an entire shelf of random objects.
Bring in something organic.
As living beings, we need to be surrounded by other living things to sense the joy of living. Bring in a potted plant, or bring in some fresh flowers in a vase. Even in the winter, I like to clip greenery and place it in a vase.
Keep these areas clean and tidy as much as possible.
Don’t use these spaces as “storage” and pile up all your “to do” piles here.
Display your favorite items instead of keeping them tucked in storage.
Make use of pretty things in practical ways (for example my mason jar dispenser holds my laundry detergent). Instead of hiding that treasure from your grandmother away in the closet, find a prominent spot to display the item.
Change things up once in a while.
While I do not have a lot of time in my life to change décor out often, I do like to freshen things up every once in a while. An easy way to freshen an area is to bring in different greenery or flowers.
Thank you for joining my little ramble about beauty in my home. What are some of your favorite places in your home? What do you love about those spots?
As you know, this blog is still in the developmental stages as I am learning my audience. I would like to get to know you a little bit more! What kind of posts do you enjoy most on this blog? What would you like to see me write about? If this blog is a blessing to you, will you share it with a friend?
Have a blessed week!
#bathroom #master #laundry #room #home #diy #change #refresh #white #blue #green #gray #sherwinwilliams #escapegray #paint #floor #beadboard #install #water #cabinet #white #pitcher #flower #herbs #cilantro #farmhouse #farmstyle #style #decor #decorate #house #cottage #cottagecore #thrifty #upcycle #armoire #calm #peaceful #content #thankful #goodness #grateful #greenery #window #curtain #dresser #basket #plate #favorite #spot #beauty #lovely #ashleyqurollo #blog #writer #post #winter #summer #season #change #spot #clutter #pretty #organic #plant #vase #masonjar #mason #jar #detergent #doily #lace #teacup #storage #joy #living #life #aldi #corner #vision #family #husband #peaceful #progress
100 posts, my goodness. I enjoy seeing your environment from your eyes, I have been blessed to have visited your home several times. I have always felt welcomed and comfortable. I am truly blessed! Thank you Ashley for inviting me into your home once more!
Sending love and prayers your way!