About Ashley
Welcome to my virtual front porch! A front porch, the quintessential symbol of hospitality and relaxation, is the perfect place to get acquainted with a new friend. Since our house does not have a front porch, I will imagine one in my mind’s eye and invite you to do the same. Come and sit awhile on my front porch and make a new friend.
I love sharing my heart, music, and home. I am passionate about intentional homeschooling, conservative music, and joyful homemaking.
Besides my relationship with God, my family is of utmost importance to me. My world truly revolves around them, helping them, serving them, and caring for them. My heart is to help and encourage other moms like myself.
Music thrills my heart. I love playing the piano and violin for our church. My passion is to help small churches like ours with music that is God-honoring, beautiful, and simple.
My home is my haven, the best place to be! I enjoy working on my home, decorating, de-cluttering, and cooking. The incessant cleaning with little ones honestly does not thrill my heart, but I am learning about this delicate balance of home-keeping and relaxing in the midst of messy family life.
This section “about me” is purposely not very long because life is not about me; life is about God. No matter the past, no matter what goals I may have for the future, my relationship with God is the most crucial part about me. The same is true of you, friend. My heart’s desire is that anyone reading this blog may either come to know God personally or be strengthened in her current walk with God.
I encourage you to go to my page “How to Know God” to learn more about my very best Friend.
A few trifling details…
I do not believe that pieces of paper (i.e. degrees, certifications, etc.) determine a person’s value but rather a person’s vision and work ethic make him valuable. But should someone care at all, I did receive my Master’s in Education in English Ed. I have taught in the classroom as a fifth grade teacher, preschool teacher, and substitute teacher ranging from K4 through 8th grade. My favorite teaching venture was running a music studio of about 25 amazing students. Now my classroom is focused on my little people at home.
All the photos on this site were taken by yours truly unless noted otherwise. I love authentic pictures even if they are not as professional. I hate stock photos!